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Prayer of Consecration of the Middle East

(Short version)

When the One God, Almighty and Merciful,
in the cradle of the Sons of Abraham,
wanted Heaven to touch the earth, he sent Jesus
to preach a message of hope and love
and, in the wind of March in Galilee, He
implanted that message in the womb of a young woman in bloom.
Mary of Nazareth,
Daughter of Israel and Mother of the Messiah,
Sister of all Christians
and of those who hunger and thirst for justice,
Bride of Zion, our beloved,
for the works, the Passion and the merits of the Messiah,
may the Holy Spirit come upon us,
and consecrate us to your Immaculate Heart,
O Servant of the Lord
crowned Queen of the New Creation,
and with the help of your motherly protection,
make us true witnesses of the Lord
and of His Resurrection;
enlighten the Children of Abraham, our father in faith,
so that through dialogue and reconciliation,
peace and blessing may descend upon us all.